Thursday, August 18, 2011

Play Makeup

Jewel loves to play with makeup. But sometimes her plastic play make-up is not "cool" enough. And she insists on playing with mine. I saw a tutorial a little bit ago on how to make play make-up that is a bit more like grown up make-up. So this past weekend I gave it a try.

I started by going through my make-up stash and nail polish stash. I found containers and colors of both that I didn't want anymore. So I cleaned out the eye shadow pallets with soap and water, and let them dry. Then I filled the now empty slots with the colors of nail polish. Mixing colors to get more options for miss Jewel to play with. And after I had been around the fumes as much as I could (with the window open, of course) I carefully carried them outside to dry. And dry. And dry some more. They were used for the first time today (almost a week later of drying and de-fuming) and are a HUGE hit!!! Even the other girls in the apartment complex had a ball playing make-up.

What a fun, free way to liven up her play stash!!!