Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This poor blog has no style. Yep. I've realized this about myself. I am task oriented. Which, often times leaves out the pretty little details. Blogging, I feel, is often the creative minds/artsy persons blank canvas for self expression. For me, it is to keep the family somewhat updated, if they choose to read. But I guess it doesn't mean that my page has to be soooo lacking in style. I think I will put more effort into that detail. Now, if my sister wants to just remake my page (hint hint... haha, in all of your spare time), I would be more than thrilled. THEN all I would have to do is put effort into the posts and pictures. That is my ideal scenario. But until then, I guess I'll just start chipping away to make it more stylized!

Wish me luck, and leave me tips!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

God's blessings by means of thrift stores.

Today I went thrift store shopping. Again. And I picked up some amazing deals. Each a fun little blessing.

It's always so cool when God provides. And it happens so many different ways. Sometimes I don't realize and sometimes it is SO obvious. Today was one of those obvious times. While at The Salvation Army, I was searching in the Rick Rack section, and I found two cloth diapers. They were brand new, and looked decent, but I called my husband at work to have him look them up. Just to make sure they weren't super cheapo's. What he found was acceptable, so I took them. Yes, we left with two cloth diapers. I was kind of laughing to myself in the car, thinking how random it was to find two unused diapers... but then I realized. WAIT A MINUTE!!! I was JUST praying about the wisest way for us to get diapers for baby #2. We use cloth, and over time, it is a HUGE savings. But up front it is pretty pricey. And this is part of God's answer. He is providing. How cool is that?!?! The diapers are GroVia, and those are the EXACT ones I found, pattern and all. What a cool blessing to find them for 2.29 a pop rather than the 24.95!!!

Also, as I was leaving The Salvation Army, I looked through the frames- as I often do. Normally I find nothing, but this time there was this AMAZING HUGE FRAME!!!! It is wonderful and I instantly fell in love. I've been wanting a fun frame to put over our bed, and what a cool blessing to find it at the thrift store for only $7!!!

Then I headed to Goodwill.  And what would I find there? MORE blessings!!!! The worker just wheeled out a new cart, and what was on it? Yes, a Singer Quantumlock 4 (just like below). I have been looking at them for a long time on places like Craigslist, hoping and praying to find one I could afford. BUUUT, even at $250-$300 on CL, it's still too steep for me. This one, with the manual and everything included, was only $40!!!! I have yet to make sure it works properly (they are supposed to test them), but I have 7 days for that. And it would probably be cheaper for me to get it fixed, if it doesn't work than to buy one.

Needless to say, I felt quite blessed. Thank you God for all these fun finds!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Relaxing Lunch

Jewel was very tired at lunchtime yesterday.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ah Blessed Morning Sickness

It finally hit. I woke up on Saturday (7 weeks) and felt the pangs of the acid stomach and iron mouth.  Thankfully, I don't get bad morning sickness. Really not much at all compared to SO MANY women. (I send you women my prayers) And this time it is being even milder than before. But what can I say, I still don't enjoy the small amount I DO get.

I have been craving meat, bread, and all things starch and carbs. Yeah- pretty much the horrible foods that you should be eating in moderation I want to eat in MASS AMOUNTS!!!! And that is quite opposite of how I normally eat. I am usually a fruits and veggies girl (well, with meat... I love it. I could NEVER be a vegetarian)

But last night, I was feeling the worst I have felt, maybe close to the worst I've felt from last time or this time.... and I was texting my mother. (yes, I was too lazy to call).  I told her how I felt, what I was eating and that I can tell my body wants something... I just can't figure out what it is! And apparently her natural doctor told her that bread/sugar and protein make morning sickness worse. CRAZY!!!! I have never heard that before, but I figured today I would try it out. I would try  to eat more veggies and fruits and grains and not snack on the breads, no matter how much I wanted them.

And, I am pleased to say that I feel much better. I had plain oatmeal with cut up apple in it for breakfast, with water. I had very thin sliced bread for my chicken breast sandwhich.... piled high with spinach, tomato, and onion for lunch. I then had an orange as a snack..... (my lunch came around 10:30.... haha. it's only 12:45 and i'm already past snacktime!) And I've been trying to drink tons of water!

I am pleased with the outcome of my healthier eating today, and I think I will try again tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Call Me A Copycat....

Yep, stole it from my sisters blog. Thought it was a good idea. 

 I'm currently...

Cooking: Nothing, but I ate In-N-Out for lunch. Yay for pregnancy cravings. 
Watching: Baby girl nap in the car
Listening to: My mother talk on the phone
Baking: Nothing, maybe some Pumpkin bread
Munching on: Water and everything made of starch or carbs in sight
Crafting: Baby girls new dress
Planning: My never ending TO DO list
Reading: Home decorating blogs
Wearing: Seven For All Mankind jeans, black orange and yellow flowered top from the LOFT
Loving: Our coat rack
Dreading: The huge mounds of un-finished laundry
Thinking About: Crochetted heart garlands
Wanting: Really cute maternity cut off jean shorts for summer
Needing: 1 hr massage

What are YOU up to this week?