Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pregnancy Cosmetics

I desperately want to avoid stretch marks during my pregnancy... and here is a cream that I found on grassrootsstore.com that I like. The item itself is called "Butterfly Weed Earth Mama Belly Jelly". Loving it!!!
I am also in love with the handmade soap from MoonEssence, located in Petaluma,Ca. This is the only soap that I can use while shaving my legs, not resulting in either extreme razor burn or another itchy rash. It lathers nicely and smells sooooo good! And I love how it doesn't leave the normal soapy feeling on my skin! Organic Lime Soap ~ 5.5 oz.
Regular price: $7.00 It is also very important to take care of the feet while pregnant. Hence, I have found some recipies that I think I will be trying in the very near future! Pamper the feet...
Strawberry Foot Exfoliant By Pioneer Thinking
Mix together 8 strawberries with 2 tablespoons of olive oil (or safflower oil)
and 1 teaspoon of kosher salt.
Other varieties: Add 1/2 teaspoon of finely chopped almonds
Make a paste with the ingredients but don't over blend it since the strawberries
contain so much water it will make it too liquidy. Massage it all into your feet, rinse
off and dry.

Soothing Foot Lotion by Pioneerthinking.com
1 tablespoon almond oil 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil 12 drops eucalyptus essential/fragrance oil
Combine ingredients in a dark colored bottle, shake extremely well. To use
just rub into the feet and heels. Store in a cool dry place.

There are more out there, for sure... but now I need to get moving and
do some laundry and dishes. Gotta love it!

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