Saturday, November 21, 2009

Come and Gone

So, it is the 21st of November.... You all know what that means! Yes, the due date has come and gone. We've had some excitement this past week. -A trip to L&D to make sure my water hadn't broken.... it didn't. -A doctors appointment yesterday in which my doctor diagnosed me as 3 cm, 80% effaced, and baby in position -1. Hurray! A painful hurray, as she did stretch me, but a hurray none the less. (I have now realized that the doctor may have also stripped my membrane... so labor should be eminent, right?) - Over a full hour of contractions yesterday..... measuring every 10 minutes, each a minute long.... kind of disappointing when it stopped. Although I did realize that I'm really not so sure I'm going to be a fan of labor. =) - One crazy kitchen day yesterday.... I woke up and started cooking at 8. By afternoon I had successfully made homemade chicken soup (complete with homemade broth), meatloaf, cabbage roll casserole, and taquitos. And by night they had all become neatly freezer-proofed and put in the freezer! Yay!!!! We will have food when people stop wanting to bring us meals! (and then the madness continued as I was on a cleaning spree around the house.... at least its all nice now!) Now the countdown starts backwards. We are on day -1. Hoping our little baby Short comes today. We are pretty excited, and really want to know if we have a little girl or boy!!!!! (At my appointment the doctor continually referred to the baby as our "little girl", "baby girl", "she"... was she giving it away once again? or does she just have a disposition to little baby girls?) Well, we are waiting patiently. I ,personally, wouldn't mind to have the baby and start the recovery process..... but the Lord knows best. And we are waiting on His timing. Now... hopefully we'll have a baby in the next couple days!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, don't you think its time for an update? Some of us want to see sweet jewel!
