Monday, January 18, 2010

Return to Blog Post

SOOOOOOOOO- I have not written anything in QUITE a while, and I hope that I will soon become much more regular at the blogging.
Here are some highlights from the last posting,
Jewel, our precious little baby girl was born Nov 26. Yes, that was thanksgiving! What a great gift to be thankful for... The labor was AMAZING!!! No drugs, and not nearly as painful as I was expecting, praise the Lord!
Nursing- What started as a frightful experience has turned into something almost enjoyable. Jewel has finally moved from her 2 hour schedule to 3-4. Although I still wish there was a manual as to what is the "right way" to nurse (schedule vs on demand)... we're getting it figured out.
Christmas season- We never actually got our house decorated at all for Christmas, what with Jewel being born and all that follows that. We left Dec 18 to go to AZ for Christmas and stayed until we left for NorCal on Dec 27. We drove straight through (18 hrs, with an infant) and stayed in NorCal until Jan 1, when we went back home! Jewel was a doll and slept the whole time we were driving, what a blessing!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOW we are home and hoping to stay put for a little bit. Although, Jewel and I are already looking ahead to when we will travel back up to NorCal for the sisters baby shower and then delivery. What fun those trips will be!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are back!!! Now, start posting pics chickadee!!!
