Wednesday, April 22, 2009

To Wear or Not To Wear- That Is The Question

So, I have decided that I would love to put our baby in cloth diapers. I really like the idea. Now, it does seem a bit nastier, but really now.... you know how sensative my skin and body is. I cannot imagine a child of mine being able to handle plastic and whatever else made diapers. It just doesn't seem very nice to our baby's toosh. I may try it for a week, or two, or 3 months and then decide I have had enough. BUT my plan as of now is to use cloth diapers unless we are someplace where I absolutely need to use store bought ones. I've been reading up on all different kinds. And I also want to try some home-made cute ones. Here is a link to a fun diaper making site. So, if anyone wants a project or wants to make us a gift for Little Jewel/Noah... here you go! (Just be sure to make ones that work for both a baby boy or girl.... until I give birth and we find out!!! YAY CLOTH DIAPERS!!! (I had better invest in a good smellproof container for the used ones.... and some goooooooooood detergent!)


  1. I have a friend who's got you beat with sensitive skin issues. She really likes this all natural brand of disposable diapers. I will find out the name for you.
    Remember to factor in the extra water costs for washing those cloth diapers....yikes!

  2. I have a couple friends who use the cloth diapers and they love them and have saved a TON of money because of it, they said the extra water cost is not that bad comparatively.

  3. We wished we could do cloth diapers, and maybe someday we will if we have more kids. They have such awesome ones out there! They even have some that have flush-able liners so you can get more use out of them! But since we do apartment living its just not economical. Its the same price for us to wash/dry as it is to buy all natural diapers ( I LOVE earth's best brand). Not to mention I'm sure the neighbors would just be thrilled to have us washing poopy diapers in the community washer!

    Congrats on the pregnancy! If you guys need anything, let us know!

  4. Usually I cringe at the idea of cloth diapers, but that is so cute!

  5. I did cloth diapers with all three girls. It's actually BETTER for their tender skin because you change them more frequently. Another bonus: early and easy potty training!
