Friday, January 28, 2011

God Made Dirt, So Dirt Don't Hurt

First off, Jewel LOVES the outside. I am pretty sure she would be content to live outside all of her days. She loves to watch the birds and squirrels, to mimic the dog barks she hears, to play with acorns, rocks and leaves... But I think most of all, she L-O-V-E-S dirt.

So it was no surprise to turn around to find her sitting in the newly weeded dirt beds playing to her hearts satisfaction, when we went outside to clean out our "stable" (storage/shed).  It was too cute, so I went and grabbed the camera and took a few snaps.

Here's my proof that this child is INDEED my own..... Ahhhh the glories of dirt! (I can't wait until she discovers mud).

Just playing away! 
hey mom!!! 

showing off her rock

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