Friday, July 1, 2011

I'm Still Alive

Some have wondered where I have been. Why haven't I posted. Have I stopped blogging. For you few friends out there wondering this, I am here to tell you- I AM STILL ALIVE. Barely. Our summer months have been INSANE. It all started with a move of residence the beginning of May. A week and a half later we began traveling, vacationing, visiting family, and participating in weddings of dear friends. I personally have not been home for an entire week since then. Sunday night will mark the first full week home for me since early May.  Luckily the next trip we have planned is in August. And then baby Rose comes end of September. Wow, what a whirlwind. 

BUT in my spare time I have been sewing, constructing, and organizing the new home. I am almost, ALMOST completely done with the girl's room.... and hopefully in a few days I will have pictures to share. I am quite pleased, and yes- proud- of the outcome. But, you'll have to wait and see!!! 

So, there's a quick tid-bit of what's been going on in our life. I will soon return with some pictures. =) 

Enjoy your Friday night, all!!!!

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