Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who doesn't want to have their cake an eat it too?

I have been crafting more and more as of late.... and I LOVE it! I love making them, I love giving them, I love receiving them! Crafts, that is! I think it all started with making peoples presents for Christmas last year. Now I've been making birthday gifts, baby shower gifts, wedding gifts. So wonderful..... I think- lets hope that those receiving the gifts think so as well. I have been taking pictures as I make things, with the grand idea of posting them. One of the more recent gifts I made was for our sweet friend Linnea, turning 1. I realize that the gift was a bit above her age right now (she can only play with parts of it) but the idea was that she can start with whatever she is allowed and then grow into the rest. It was quite fun making it, with some unexpected hick-up from lack of proper planning on my part. Next time it will go much smoother (or so I hope).

Here are some pics. Excuse the quality--- we were on our way out the house when I insisted my husband take some pics with the camera on his phone. He did great, but I never saw the pictures before we left.. =)

I modge podged over an old formula can (washed out, of course) to house the decorations for the cake.

All of the layers of cake can be taken apart into individual pieces. They are color coded with the "fill frosting" so that you can tell what pieces go together to make a layer. And then there are a bunch of ways to decorate. 

An Eventful Past Few Days

For a couple of months here people have been telling me that they think Jewel will be walking soon. Aunt TJ even said by 9 months. Well, Jewel turned nine months last Thursday(?). And as if on cue, she took her first step on Sunday. All by herself. She remained standing for a bit after that, and then sat down and started laughing histerically. Perhaps she knew what she had done and was totally enthralled with herself, perhaps it was the look of complete shock on mommy's face while calling to daddy saying "She just took her first step!!!!!" Either way, it was quite the ending to the big moment. 

Also on Sunday (while shopping at the Camarillo Outlets---- a "date" for mommy and daddy),  I realized that she is, in fact, getting that third tooth. Whoopie!!!! This has made for a tiny bit of crankiness. But thankfully, I think our daughter withstands pain well. 

The firsts just continued on Monday when Jewel started waving for the first time. Real waving. So cute. I will try to get a video of that. She also took two other first steps. Maybe she will be walking soon? I don't know how soon babies walk after that first alleged step--- but she seems to want it. Our life could be headed for some serious changes, real quick!

This is right after we got home from the shopping outing on Sunday. What a fun day!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Garage Sale Junkie

So I need to admit that I have a problem. I LOVE GARAGE SALES!!!! I simply can't get enough of other peoples junk! I have found some of my most prized possessions at garage sales, not to mention many a gift. And I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am getting to go "treasure hunting" tomoro morning.

Growing up, there was a very distinct garage sale season, and it wasn't a very long season. Here, there is also a season, but it is all year long! I LOVE IT!!!!!

Here are two of my favorite finds over the past few weeks:
-Bread maker (who wants to buy a brand new one? especially when you are just testing it out whether you
 will like using it or not)
-Childrens books for Jewel.
-PJ's and other misc clothes for Jewel. (she SERIOUSLY needed some cooler PJ's since we live in an area
  which is consistently in the 80-100's)
-Plastic baby pool for the Jewel to play in (for 50 cents, I might add... SCORE!)
-Vintage light blue type writer (still works)
-Wool Gap coat/poncho (who know's when I'll get to wear it.... but it's lovely and I can even wear it if we get pregnant again soon!)
-presents for the ma and the sis (sorry, its a secret)

AND the best two buys of all???????????

-my new sewing table (supposedly a refurbished  antique phone table)

-my WONDERFUL beauty of a slalom ski!!!!!!!

WELP, can't wait to see what tomorro holds!!!! Go and enjoy yourself while digging through other peoples junk!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chocolate and Pictures

..... I have eaten just enough way too much today.....

but here are some pictures of the summer:

We went to the Chino Valley Airshow....

We also went to the Sequoias....

I crafted....

We have seen family....

We went to Clear Lake..... 

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND, although that is not NEAR all the pix, that's all i've gotten to the computer..... so you'll have to wait, yet again! Goodnight!


.... about a week or so ago, I decided that I REALLY needed to update the blog..... Clearly it did not happen. Not from lack of trying, but for lack of a working brain. I fear my brain left when I got pregnant with Jewel, and it may never return. My sad story is that I tried and tried to get into the blog, so I could post... but I couldn't come up with the correct password, name combo. I just remembered it yesterday, so I thought I should take advantage while I could.


This summer has been a great summer, filled with fun, laughter, blessings, and lot of traveling.

We have had the opportunity and resources to go to the Sequoia National Forest and see many a bear (even getting woken by our traveling buddies when one was about 2 feet from our heads), Clear Lake (with the family and where Jewel went on her first of MANY MANY MANY boat rides... she loved it!), visit family in central Cali, a conference in Vegas, and visit friends within a couple hours of us on a regular basis. We have been SO thankful for how well Jewel travels and adapts to different situations.

We have been blessed with seeing our little girl grow up before our eyes. This summer she has gone from sitting to  crawling to standing and clapping to walking with a bit of help. She has started eating finger foods and has started waving a bit. She has also said "mama", "dada", and "baba". And although she is only just turning 9 months this week, she has completely skipped that size clothing, going straight for 12 month. It seems like just yesterday that we were holding her in our arms for the first time. Time has gone by so quickly, but we are so thankful for her, and pray every day that God would bring our little girl into His kingdom.

We have also aquired a kitty cat within the last few weeks. Bell is such a sweet kitty and although she wants to be indoors, she gets to stay outdoors and chase lizards, rabbits, gofers, and mice. She has adjusted very well and quickly from her home in Central Cali to here.... and we are thankful.

We also have had the experience of having our very own garden. And it has FLOURISHED!!!! Squash, Zucchini, Bell Peppers, Radishes, and Tomatoes coming out our ears. I have been babying a Cucumber Plant and three Green Bean vines (all from seed).... hopefully soon I can put them in the ground and they will produce.

I have also gotten a lot more into crafting/ sewing/ creating. I was given a new sewing machine from my parents for walking in May, and it has spurred me on. I have had such a fun time making presents and shower gifts. Repurposing and making clothes for Jewel. AH!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!

As the summer wraps up and the new school year starts, we have much to be thankful for, and much to look forward to. The Lord has been a faithful Father and Provider and we can't wait to see all He has in store in the time  to come.

*and I'll try to get some pictures up soon!!!!